Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Movin' In

Ok, I'll be honest, I am kind of a neat freak! When I packed up out stuff, back in NY, I put all the pieces of mail that needs attention, to-do lists, etc., in one spot so that I could continue life when we got here. However, I don't think I have opened that box yet! I need to go to the post office to get a package, but I don't want to leave the apartment yet...not unless it will be unpacked when I get back! Siri is not awake yet so I cannot tell you for sure, but its very possible that I will not be movitated enough to go on a walk!
The weirdest thing about unpacking is that there are some things that just will not find a home here. They had a place and belonged on a certain shelf or in a certain box in the old apartment, but they may not fit here. Then I have to find a spot, we'll call it the "refugee camp," to stack all of the homeless items until the essential items are placed first. Then we'll see if there is room for the "refugees" and if there is not, the trash/give away box will be their home. The sad thing is that this sounds a lot like the world.
But on a lighter note...I got a new dresser!

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