Thursday, February 19, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

So, we've been kinda busy, and the last few days have flown by. Matt and I were in California last weekend for a conference and a wedding, and Matt's installation is this weekend, so we are planning for that...being busy makes the time come and go. But, last week we had very nice weather and we walked to the mall, where I was unsuccessful in finding a dress for that wedding that I went to, but the kids were able to play in this great play area that they have in the mall. The next day Emma rode her tricycle to the gazebo, or "gabozo" as she called it. We tried for quite a few minutes to get that word was so funny.


  1. Aww, the girls are so cute! We're so glad you guys are here and I'm excited for tomorrow.

    Have a great day and stay warm out there --brrrrr! It's cold today!

    -Ilana Kardell

  2. Gabozo, huh? Isn't that your old nickname, Laura?

    -Your bro
