This morning I dropped off Emma at her first day of kindergarten! Wow, it was really weird. School starts at 9:20 so we are able to keep our morning "getting up" time of 8:00, which is great. We were all ready around 8:30 and we heard all the other kids outside playing, so we joined them to take pictures and such. Emma and I left around 9:00 and it only takes a few minutes to drive there, but had to find parking. We walked to the playground and as we entered her grip on my hand got much tighter. We lined up with her class and walked into the building. One adult noted, "This must be the kindergartners!" as all the parents were walking alongside their munchkins. Emma has her own locker (I remember having a little hall with hooks and a cubby - up until 3rd grade), and its a huge locker, so we practiced pulling the handle up and slamming it shut! Then she found her desk and was still a little nervous until she saw Ibrahim, our neighbor, arrive! I think her heart was warmed then :) So, Ms. Rae told all of the kids to wave to their parents and she ushered us out! One kid was pretty weepy, so I left before that scene made me sad. Then there was a small welcome meeting with the principle, I checked out where the office was, and walked to my car. Pretty weird, yes, and the house is quiet and the playground is empty, but it will be a great year!
this made me tear up!