Friday, April 1, 2011

Rainforest Month

So, somewhere amongst my frustration (smile) I did come up with a new strategy for afternoon activities. [And I want to say thank you for all the comments regarding the "Un-Super Mom." It really helps me to stay sane if I make my good times and bad times public knowledge.] Emma goes to preschool on M, W, & F, so that leaves only Tuesday and Thursday with the occasional free afternoon hours, generally from 12:30 -2, when there needs to be a planned activity. I decided to give each month of the rest of the year a theme, so when I need an activity I at least have a subject to research. This month I picked the rainforest. We learned about the different levels in the forest, the parts of the world where there is rainforest, and about a few of the animals that live there.

Siri coloring the different levels of the rainforest.

Emma's interpretation of a Blue Morpho Butterfly.

Siri made a 3-D picture of the levels in the rainforest.

Connect-the-dot anaconda.

Red Eyed Tree Frogs.


  1. Um...sounds pretty super-mommish to me!!! Very cool activities:)

  2. You should totally be a home-school mom! Ha! :)
    Can you send me your ideas for themes? I need to incorporate this into my daily life. I guess I could probably think up some on my own, but yours will probably be better. :)
