Emma and Siri got these
piggy banks for Christmas from Aunt Stacy, Uncle Terry, and Elijah. I saw them in a parenting magazine and thought they were such a great idea. One thing that I desperately hope for my kids is that they learn how to manage their money well, thus potentially ridding their lives of a big chunk of stress! So, as you can see, the pig has 4 compartments, SAVE, SPEND, DONATE, & INVEST. (If I could personalize the pig I'd swap out donate and invest for tithe and offering.) So, the point is to start kids off young with a wider view of money than just spending, and I'm really excited about our future with these pigs. :)
We got out the old piggy banks: the Space Needle, Ariel, and the duck, and transferred the funds.
We got some banks like this from Crown Financial last year with Give, Save, Spend (I think!). It may even say Tithe, but either way... ;) Great gift to be able to use to teach them with...provided yours don't swap the Save over to Spend, like my own little ones have tried... ;) (The four year old, mostly!)