Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Piggies

Emma and Siri got these piggy banks for Christmas from Aunt Stacy, Uncle Terry, and Elijah. I saw them in a parenting magazine and thought they were such a great idea. One thing that I desperately hope for my kids is that they learn how to manage their money well, thus potentially ridding their lives of a big chunk of stress! So, as you can see, the pig has 4 compartments, SAVE, SPEND, DONATE, & INVEST. (If I could personalize the pig I'd swap out donate and invest for tithe and offering.) So, the point is to start kids off young with a wider view of money than just spending, and I'm really excited about our future with these pigs. :)

We got out the old piggy banks: the Space Needle, Ariel, and the duck, and transferred the funds.

1 comment:

  1. We got some banks like this from Crown Financial last year with Give, Save, Spend (I think!). It may even say Tithe, but either way... ;) Great gift to be able to use to teach them with...provided yours don't swap the Save over to Spend, like my own little ones have tried... ;) (The four year old, mostly!)
