Tuesday, July 21, 2009

An Afternoon at Ikea

Today was supposed to be rainy (it did not drip one little bit!) so we took a little trip over to Ikea. It is 1/2 hour away, and Siri has not been doing well in cars lately, but we made it and got to park in a family parking spot, right up close! I wasn't sure if the supervised play area would work, and as it turned out Emma was exactly on the line for height, so we skipped it. There are little mini play areas all throughout the store, though, interwoven in all the room layouts and specific "rooms" of shelves, furniture, etc, so we just took our time walking through the store. There were a few times that we had to rush through the section, like when they wanted to crawl on every single bed, and Emma wanted to get under the covers of every bed! There was a little slide in the section with kids' rooms. We ate an abbreviated lunch and ran to the bathroom, and then made our way throught he marketplace. That's where most of the breakdowns happened. Siri was still hungry, and Emma just wanted to play, but we finally made it through the checkout!

I've been trying, lately, to be extra patient with my three-year old, as her gears always seem to be moving as slow as possible. We did ok at Ikea, but there were a couple of times where Emma took her own sweet time. There's always another day to do things better!

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