Matt was gone for a couple of days for meetings, and so to keep the three of us from getting sick of each other and to keep it interesting I've been doing more projects. One day I thought I'd try to make our own "gingerbread" houses out of graham crackers and royal icing, but apparently, explaining the disgusting taste, the icing that comes with the store-bought kits is basically edible glue. I made edible play dough and thought I could trick them for awhile, but Emma immediately asked if she could eat it and Siri (since she doesn't talk) put it in her mouth right away. I made Emma play with it for a little while before I let her eat it. And surprisingly they didn't eat too much. I thought self-control would go out the window with this activity, but they only ate a small bit and wanted to get down to play.
This is dance time, after bath time.
Ha. Very Cute. I love the dancing. Siri's picture is espeically funny. She looks so much like Matt. It's snowing here right now. And it's April 1st.