To conclude our vacation we had a surprise ending! The return flight got off to a bumpy start...well, it actually didn't start at all. We were supposed to connect in Atlanta from Pittsburg to Seattle, but there were thunderstorms over Atlanta. We were late boarding the plane, and once on we sat at the gate for about an hour, waiting for the skies to clear up. While we were waiting they determined that the fuel leak that had sprung on the previous trip was too big to fly with (nice to know that sometimes they do fly with fuel leaks :/) So, we all got off the plane. By this time the kids are bonkers, as you can imagine. I managed to get Ty to sleep in the stroller while Matt got us on another flight that would connect through Minneapolis. We had to wait in the airport, so I also managed to get Siri to fall asleep in the stroller (we have a Phil and Ted's Sport double.) After they woke up we killed more time by playing at the play area in the airport, where Ty fell and cut his lip which bled all over my shirt. We were so thankful to get on our flight, but still feeling stressed because the kids to such short naps, and we were going to have a 1 1/2 hr layover in MN and be landing in Seattle at roughly 2 a.m. EST. But, on the plane I had a great idea! We prayed for favor, and when we got off the plane we asked customer service (well, Matt put on his exasperated face) if we could extend our layover one day. We got on a flight for the next day at 5, and called my brother to tell him that they had unexpected guests! It was AMAZING! We have not been in Minnesota during the summer for 3 1/2 years...and it is definitely the best time to go! We all got a good night sleep and Emma and Siri got to play in the back yard with their cousin, Elijah. We got to oogle over Miles, who was only 6 weeks old, and we even made it to the Mall of America for lunch before we headed home. That layover was the whipped cream, on top of the icing on the most delicious cake I've ever had!