Two days ago we came back from probably the best family-visiting vacation that I've ever been on. For 2 1/2 weeks we were on the east coast soaking up the love of family, best friends, messianics, and sunshine!
The two weeks leading up the trip were spend cleaning house, washing clothes, packing summer clothes (because we don't wear them here), prepping travel activities, and enthusiastic anticipation. Every time that I thought about seeing the lights of Manhattan, hugging family, and riding the subway I would tear up!
We arrived at JFK on Sunday night, June 26, after a long, but pretty smooth flight. There was a lot of turbulence, but the kids didn't get too antsy until the last couple of hours...nothing a little ice cream (from compassionate Delta flight attendants) and Jake and the Neverland Pirates couldn't remedy! The next day was spent playing in the sprinkler with cousin Rachel, as Jake and Heather were already on Long Island. Matt's extended family came from New Jersey and we celebrated Ty's upcoming birthday, and everyone got gifts! It was such a great day!