Today Siri turned 2!!! There were times, today, that I thought, "You're only 2?!" Sometimes it feels like she's been around forever! We had a great day, and used this time to teach Emma what a birthday is, i.e. a birthday is not a party, its the whole day! We did have a party today, for a mere 2 hours, but it was great. We had 3 families over, which translated to 10 kids in total, and our apartment was full! The kids decorated crowns, colored princess pictures, jumped on bubble wrap, ate pb&j in the shape of crowns, and had cake and ice cream. It was a
For dinner the 4 of us had Siri's favorite food, chicken nuggets and french fries, and more cake and ice cream. Then Siri opened a few presents all of which she was very excited to receive, and now we're down for the night!