Siri loves her blanket. Ever since she has been able to breath and make sounds, when tired she has put her two middle fingers in her mouth, hugged her blanket and said, "Gully, gully, gully." It is actually very funny, and when we ask Emma what Siri says, she replies, "Gully, gully, gully." I have tried to get her to become attached to a stuffed animal (so I could get some use out of at lease one of them!) but she has stuck to her blanket. If I allowed her to she would walk around with it all day and I'd have my own little Linus, however I don't want her to become TOO dependent on an inanimate object. Perhaps my hesitation is what kept Emma from attaching to an animal. Well, she actually did attach to 2 animals, but we lost the sheep and then I took away her bunny rabbit. This rabbit actually wasn't hers to begin with. I had purchased it in college, when I still gave into my fetish, and then our cat played with it and bit it. When Emma was small I had put on top of the trash, intending to finally get rid of it, but she liked it, and I thought it was cute that she liked it, so I let her have it. The fact that the cat had played with the rabbit always sceeved me out a bit, but the final straw was that Emma sucked on the rabbit's face. I know that this is what kids do, but this was really unpleasant for me, and the smell of the rabbit was unpleasant as well. Not knowing how to break her of this disgusting habit, I just eliminated the problem. Now the rabbit lies comfortably in Emma's box of memories, that she won't actually remember.